Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekend In Review

Whew! What an eventful weekend it was. There were so many great things happening. Me and my family have a lot to be thankful for. Friday started with my nephew beginning a new chapter in his life. My nephew was born when I was a freshman in college. It's hard to believe that he's all grown up... He recently made the decision to join the Army and I couldn't be prouder. One of the many things I admire about him is that he's never given up. Andrew didn't take the traditional path, going into a four year college right after graduation. He has many gifts and sometimes our paths take us in many different directions. He is a man of good character, has a generous heart and will make a fine soldier. I can only hope that Seth and Spencer model the character traits that they have seen him exhibit. 

We made the two & half hour drive to watch my son's team win their way into the state playoffs! We didn't arrive back home until after midnight. Needless to say, Friday was a long day...

Saturday morning I found myself home alone again while the men in my family went to deer camp. My oldest son sent me this picture of his little brother's target practice with his first rifle ( a 243 I'm told). Not bad Spencer!

Saturday morning, my mom and I met up with Andrew to celebrate his recent success at one of my favorite brunch spots I absolutely love the friendly staff (see above photo) and the food is delicious!

I indulged in the "Cowboy Breakfast." I felt like I had earned after that long day on Friday!

The Razorbacks redeemed themselves in a mighty way on Saturday night! #wps!

Image result for images of razorbacks vs florida

I'm gearing up for a fun week on next week, especially recognizing some very special veterans in my life.

Until next time, thank you for stopping by.....

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