Friday, September 23, 2016

Hunting Season

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Favorites- Hunting Season

Hello Friends,

This weekend starts the beginning of an exciting time in my home! It's the official start of bow hunting season.  If you had told me that I would marry a man that hunted, fished, in the military AND a preacher, I would have laughed in your face! God had a much bigger and better plan than I could ever have imagined.

Meet my God-fearing, handsome and hardworking hubby. Andre is definitely a man's man. That's one of the many things I love about him. He has instilled the love of the outdoors in my boys in a day and time where most kids would rather be playing video games. Don't get me wrong, they would spend all day playing Madden 2016 on the X-Box 360 if I let them. #Ihateallvideogames

This is what I think about hunting.... However, I promised my husband and boys that I would take one for the team and go with them this year on at least one hunt. The weather is still pretty hot, so I definitely won't be going anytime soon!

This was taken the year my oldest son, Seth got his first buck T#thattonguelooksgross! I'm so excited for them to pick up where they left off a year ago. This time last year, my husband was deployed overseas... (insert my sad face)

Fast forward 12 months later... (insert my happy face)

The boys trying out new rifles at Gander Mountain. I told them to put their game faces on!

So, what do I plan on doing while I'm home alone?

Watching lots of football. I'm hoping the hogs will pull out a big win over the Aggies! #WPS I also hope my weekend includes a nap and catching up on a couple of books I've been reading. I'm really enjoying this one by Tim Tebow. As the mother of two sons that play sports, I've enjoyed reading about his childhood, the influence of his parents in his athletic career and his walk as a Christian. It's an easy read and I hope to have it finished by the weekend.

Until next time, thank you for stopping by....

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